If you have been sending money internationally, you might be aware of how the currency exchange affects the value of your money. Most of the times, money transfer agencies do not offer the best currency conversation that you are actually losing a lot of money because of their low exchange rate. Forex companies on the other hand have the ability to give you the best value of your money. You can save a lot from this especially if you are offered a custom deal.
Generally, these foreign exchange companies are usually tied up with really big financial firms that transacts with really high volume of currency exchange. This gives them the power to provide their clients with the best currency exchange rates.
For example you are sending $1,000 regularly, custom deal is when the company gives you a fixed rate, most of the times they give you a competitive rate, which you can book for a year. So no matter how the currency exchange rate fluctuates, the value of your money will stay the same for the entire year.
If you are concerned about the security, no need to worry because you can easily locate legitimate companies by looking for the FSA (Financial Services Authority) authorization. This regulatory commission guarantees that foreign exchange companies that have their authorization are legitimate and only perform safe international money transfer procedure. So your money is safe.